For proper data collection, the ECIS stations with inoculated arrays need to be kept under appropriate cellular incubation parameters that regulate thermal conditions and CO2. Fluctuations in these parameters can alter cellular behavior, and due to the high measuring sensitivity of the ECIS systems, these alterations will be expressed in the data. Because space next to the incubator is required for the ECIS electronics, we recommend acquiring a tissue-culture incubator that is dedicated for the ECIS systems.
Download Data SheetWe offer a tissue culture incubator to be used in conjunction with the ECIS instrument. The incubator is compact having an exterior footprint of approximately 21 x 22.5 inches (27 inches in height) and a 1.5 cubic foot interior chamber. A water jacket provides excellent thermal stability and CO2 levels are automatically maintained with an infrared sensor. A 1” port on the right side of the incubator is provided for the ECIS leads as well as for tubing if using the ECIS flow module system. A custom port sealing bracket is included to provide a secure seal for the ECIS cable
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